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What is Content Marketing?

Here's everything you need to know in 2019.

In this guide you'll find:

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy

Your 6-part guide to building a brand, attracting more leads and closing more customers.


Interested in working with a content marketing agency? Contact us to discuss more.


Benefits of Content Marketing

Why invest time and resources into creating content, anyway? What are the benefits? They're numerous, and we'll expound on them. That's right, EXPOUND on them!


  • Content marketing builds your brand
  • Enables prospects to decide if you're right for them
  • Turning visitors into qualified leads.
  • Keeps customers coming back and finding value

SEO and Content Marketing

Where do SEO and content marketing intersect? Can you have one without the other? Can I just do one, and skip the other? 

In this section we'll review:

  • Where SEO is essential to your content marketing
  • Examples of content marketing that's not SEO-driven
  • Why good content marketing AlWAYS starts with keyword research


Marketing Tools

Anyone can bang out some words on a page, sure. But does that mean your latest blog post is going to get thousands of page views? It's not that simple.

All good content marketing requires some tools:

  • How to do keyword research and why it's important
  • How to automate the distribution of your content
  • What's the best way to come up with topics?

What to Look for in a Content Marketing Agency

Are you looking for a digital marketing agency, a brand strategy agency or SEO agency? What's the difference?

We'll explain:

  • Why every marketing should be a content marketing agency
  • Why SEO and content are not the same thing
  • What a branding agency should deliver you as part of their scope of work
  • Why content-first agencies stand to be the agencies of the future

Examples of Content Marketing

Are you ready to see some examples of content marketing in the flesh?

We'll show you some examples:

  • How to turn customer questions into lead generating machines
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

B2B Content Marketing

Where does content come into play with B2B marketing? We think it's indispensable. 

In this section we'll cover:

  • How content marketing helps prep your prospects for a better initial conversation with sales
  • Types of B2B content marketing you may find valuable
  • How content marketing and sales enablement should work together to close more deals

HubSpot Content Marketing


What is HubSpot and what makes the company a leader in content marketing?

In this section we'll review:

  • What makes HubSpot superior to the competition
  • Who HubSpot is for and who it's NOT for
  • Why inbound as a philosophy will help you win more leads and customers in the long run

Video Content Marketing 

Did you think content marketing was only blogs and eBooks? Heck no, Joe. Video, film, motion pictures all count too. 

In this section we'll review:

  • Types of video content marketing
  • How to set yourself up for success with video
  • Pitfalls of jumping into video content marketing too soon.

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing plans are an essential piece of developing your marketing strategy, setting goals, and helping your business grow. Content marketing has the ability to help you plan for reliable and cost-effective sources of website traffic and new leads without spending a ton of money. Content creation is vital for things like organic traffic and social media, but without a well-planned purpose, your content can end up being all over the place. That’s where a content marketing plan comes into play.

What is a content marketing plan?


A content marketing plan refers to how you’re going to tackle the management of your company’s content—whether that’s blog posts, email marketing, or social media. Content marketing plans can look different for every company. Some will come in the form of a calendar, others in a list or an idea board. No matter what shape your content marketing plan comes in, creating one can help you set clear goals and create successful, lead-generating content. It’s important to keep in mind these key things when developing your content marketing plan:

  • Who are you creating your content for?
  • What problem is your content going to solve for your target audience?
  • What will you do to make your content stand out from the crowd?
  • What format will your content take?
  • What channels will you publish your content on?
  • What tools will you use to schedule and manage creation and publication?


Creating a Successful Content Marketing Plan 

Creating a successful content marketing plan means thinking about the different ways in which you will be creating content. As a business, your goal for creating content should be to increase your revenue, to better your customers, or to create brand awareness. There are three effective methods for creating this kind of lead-generating successful content—organic traffic, social media, and email marketing. By focusing on these three types of content creation, you can come up with a comprehensive content marketing plan.


Attract Organic Traffic through Search Engines 

Organic traffic is one of the best ways to get people to your website because it brings the most highly targeted audience. The people who discover you through organic traffic are ones that are already searching for companies like yours to solve the problems they have. While getting organic traffic from search engines isn’t as easy or quick as paying to get traffic, it’s a highly effective part of any content marketing plan. A great way to increase your organic traffic is through a blog. The key to organic traffic through search engines is writing blogs on topics that people are searching for. Pieces of content that explain how to do something or what something means are great places to get started. Make sure your blogs are relevant to your target audience and the product or service your business sells. Optimizing your blogs with SEO keywords (link to keyword research blog) will help your content rank higher on search engines like Google and encourage more people to click on it.


Create a Social Media Strategy

Social media is another vital part of your content marketing plan. Make sure what your posting is relevant to your business and engaging for your followers. Including images, hashtags, and links to your website are all great ways to increase your engagement. Boosting posts are also a way you can increase the visibility of your brand by showing your content to a larger audience. While not necessary, boosted posts are a great way to reach out to a specific targeted audience and get more eyes on your content. Whether you choose to boost your posts or not, it’s important that your social media content shows your brand’s personality and provide useful content for your followers.


Let Your Content Marketing Nurture Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective types of marketing, which is why you should include it in your content marketing plan. Email marketing is a great way to nurture leads through the buying process. After they have signed up for your email list, you can start sending them a series of content that includes things like informational content, tutorials, user reviews of your product, discounts, and the final sell. Sending out a regular newsletter with helpful content relevant to your industry and target audience is a great way to peak the interest of your leads and provide substance through your content marketing strategy.


Establishing a Regular Content Creation Schedule

Now that you know what type of content is going to make up your content marketing plan, it’s important to figure out when and how you’re going to be posting that content. Establishing a regular content creation schedule can help you stay on track and produce a consistent stream of new content for your audience. Content schedules can also ensure that you never miss important dates like holidays, events, or product launches. It can also help you organize your content and save time. Have no idea where to begin when creating a regular content creation schedule? Here are some guidelines for content creation:

Blogs—posting once a week or even once a month is ideal for a blog. You don’t want to overwhelm your readers with too much content all at once. Remember that when it comes to blogs, quality over quantity.

Social Media—scheduling your content to social media can be tricky. If you schedule too little your followers will forget that you exist, but if you post too much than they will get annoyed at you. For most social channels, 1-2 times a day is the sweet spot. This infographic breaks down the ideal posting schedules for each social media channel.

Email Marketing—Much like social media, email content requires you to find the sweet spot to know how many is too many. When creating a regular email marketing schedule, timing is more important than the amount of content you send. Focus on sending your leads specific content depending on where they are in your sale cycle. Never bombard your audience with too many promotional emails, focus on informative and useful content instead.

Creating a content marketing plan involves several moving parts including understanding who you’re creating content for, what kind of content you’re creating, and how you’re sharing that content. With the right content marketing plan you can help you business increase sales, generate more leads, and drive traffic to your website.

Benefits of Content Marketing

Content marketing has many benefits, some of which are less well known.


Content marketing establishes your company brand as an expert and as helpful

When prospects find a helpful tool on your website or see a free guide on a social platform, that expertise and helpfulness becomes associated with your brand. These are positive attributes engender respect and goodwill. This is addition to the leads and customers you will generate!

Content marketing gives your sales team assets to use in one-to-one outreach

Content marketing is often thought of as a tactic used only in the lead acquisition phase. But, by working closely with your sales team, sales reps should can use the content you produce as means to stay in contact or follow up with prospects in various stages of your funnel. When your sales reps are following up with prospects by adding value, they engender more respect and goodwill. It tells your prospects that they the sales rep understands their business and was listening during their previous discussion.

Content marketing improves the ROI of your new website build

The company website redesign is always a project with far more stakeholders than it may appear. But no matter what you spend on your website redesign, the question from the C-suite is going to be, "how does this impact the bottom line?"

Content marketing improves the ROI of your website by generating more leads than your site would otherwise. By generating more leads that enter into a nurture funnel, you help the sales team, who helps the company by closing more deals. 


SEO and Content Marketing 

Last but certainly not least, your SEO is going to improve from your investment in content marketing. Any good content strategy starts with in-depth keyword research. The terms of interest get baked into the content that's produced, and the content is published in a "pillar" campaign format. This is a simple-yet-nuanced means of interlinking content to each other, so search engines can see a logical pattern with how your site pages are connected to each other. As your site adds more and more well-organized content, your search engine rankings should continue to improve. 

Content Marketing Tools 

What to Look for in a Content Marketing Agency

Examples of Content Marketing

B2B Content Marketing

HubSpot Content Marketing



Video Content Marketing




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